Abr 21, 2020 | Alcaldía, Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales, Noticias

⚠️?? AVISO: El Mando de Operaciones Especiales (MOE) del Ejército estará en San Miguel de Salinas todo el día 22 de Abril, realizando labores de apoyo en la gestión de la crisis de la COVID-19.
Esta Unidad Especial del Ejército de Tierra lleva prestando sus servicios a la población desde el inicio de la crisis sanitaria en la denominada operación Balmis: un operativo militar sin precedentes cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra el coronavirus.
¿Quieres saber más sobre el MOE y sus labores? Pincha aquí: https://ejercito.defensa.gob.es/unidades/Alicante/cg_moe/
Si quieres saber a qué debe su nombre la operación Balmis pincha aquí: https://es.wikipedia.org/…/Real_Expedici%C3%B3n_Filantr%C3%…
⚠️??ANNOUNCEMENT: The Army Special Operations Command (MOE) will be in San Miguel de Salinas all day April 22nd, carrying out support tasks in the management of the crisis of COVID-19.
This Special Unit of the Spanish Army has been providing its services to the population since the beginning of the health crisis in the so-called Balmis operation: an unprecedented military operation whose objective is the fight against the coronavirus.
Do you want to know more about the MOE and its work? Click here: https://ejercito.defensa.gob.es/unidades/Alicante/cg_moe/
If you want to know where the Balmis operation takes its name from: https://es.wikipedia.org/…/Real_Expedici%C3%B3n_Filantr%C3%…
Ejército de Tierra #MandodeOperacionesEspeciales #COVID19
Abr 15, 2020 | Comunicación y Relaciones Institucionales, Noticias
✅ Recordatorio: ¿Cómo me pongo la mascarillas de forma correcta?
Isabel Alarcón, del centro de salud de San Miguel de Salinas, nos explica cómo ponernos y quitarnos la mascarilla de forma correcta. Es muy importante seguir estas instrucciones para que todos nuestros esfuerzos sean eficientes.
✅ Reminder: How do I put the masks on correctly?
Isabel Alarcón, from the San Miguel de Salinas health center, explains how to put on and take off the mask correctly. It is very important to follow these instructions so that all our efforts are efficient.
#EsteVirusLoParamosUnidxs #COVID19 #ConcejalíadeSalud
@tDepartamento de Salud Torrevieja
Mar 22, 2020 | Alcaldía, Noticias
?? Decálogo sobre cómo actuar en caso de tener síntomas de COVID-19 elaborado por el Ministerio de Sanidad.
☎️Teléfonos de interés:
– Emergencias: 112
– COVID-19 Comunidad Valenciana: 900 300 555
– Centro de salud San Miguel de Salinas: 966 926 858
?? Decalogue on how to act in case of having symptoms of COVID-19 written by the Ministry of Health.
☎️Telephone numbers of interest:
– Emergencies: 112
– COVID-19 Valencian Community: 900 300 555
– San Miguel de Salinas Health Center: 966 926 858
In a room for individual use, with a window, keeping the door closed, and if possible, an individual bathroom.
If this is not possible, keep the safety distance of two meters with the rest of the people in the house and take extreme hygiene measures.
Have a phone available to report the needs that arise and to maintain communication with your loved ones.
If you are suffering lack of breath or you have any other severe symptom, call 112.
If not, call the number enabled in your autonomous community or contact the local health center.
Use paracetamol to control fever, put damp cloths on your forehead or take a warm shower to help control fever, drink fluids, rest, move around the room from time to time.
Now that you have done the most immediate, study and apply the recommendations for home isolation and inform the rest of the household that they have to quarantine.
Make sure everyone at home knows how to do a proper hand wash.
If you get worse and have difficulty breathing or can’t control the fever, call 112.
9. 14 DAYS
It is recommended to maintain the isolation 14 days from the beginning of the symptoms, whenever there is improvement.
Medical release will be supervised by your primary care doctor or as indicated by each autonomous community.
#COVID19 #protocolodeactuacion #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #cuarentena #quarantine #estevirusloparamosunidxs