Mar 20, 2017 | Featured, Housing-health-and-environment, News
Do not know if you have floor clauses in your mortgage? And if you have them How to complain?
The Department of Housing and Citizen Care, report that the Free Legal Orientation Service of the Bar Association of Orihuela, Torrevieja delegation, is available to the public to consult all matters relating to mortgage foreclosure clauses. In order to use the service, they must request an appointment in person (presenting the DNI) on Mondays, or on Fridays, from 10:00 h. At 12:30 a.m. In the delegation of the bar of lawyers, that is in the C / Patricio Zammit, 50 – Edificio Juzgados de Torrevieja – 5th plant.
Mar 20, 2017 | Featured, Housing-health-and-environment, News

An informative talk is being prepared on the Soil Clauses in San Miguel de Salinas, which may be attended by any citizen who knows or suspects that he is the owner of a mortgage contract that includes land clauses, and how to proceed with his claim.
Attendees who so wish may be enrolled in the list to receive individualized advice.
The date and place of the meeting will be announced shortly.
February 2017
Mar 20, 2017 | Featured, Housing-health-and-environment, News

The informative talk about the floor clauses will be held next March 2, in the plenary hall of the City, at 18.00.
This talk may assist any citizen who knows or suspects that he is the owner of a mortgage contract that includes land clauses, and will advise on his claim.
Attendees who so wish may be entered on a list to receive individualized advice.
María José Costa Medrano
Councilor for Housing and Citizen Care.
Mar 20, 2017 | Featured, Housing-health-and-environment, News

On March 10 at 12:00 a the Social Center of the Philippines will hold an informative talk on soil clauses.
This chat may assist any citizen who has doubts about whether their mortgage contains clause soil. It will be given by attorney D. Hernández Tomé, from the Ilustre Bar Association of Orihuela.
The talk will be in ENGLISH.
From the Department of Housing and Citizen Care we intend to give an information that today the citizens demand, so given the enormous impact of this issue we have chosen to start with an informative talk.
Department of Housing and Citizen Care
María José Costa Medrano